FURUNO Maritime Training is our training center that aims to increase navigational safety at sea with high-quality training solutions.
The training center provides state-of-the-art training and education for maritime professionals. The training is based on FURUNO's more than 60 years experience gained by being a supplier to the maritime community.
The training center is approved by the Danish Maritime Authority, which authorises us to conduct maritime education and training.
NavSkills™ Online is an online training portal aimed at maritime professionals. Maritime training is now easier to assess than ever and gives the trainee the flexibility to train anywhere, anytime, at their own pace.
The online training courses are available through the website https://www.furunotraining.com/shop or can be purchased through local FURUNO distributors.
FURUNO Maritime Training will continuously expand the course portfolio on the NavSkills™ Online platform with both generic and FURUNO type-specific training courses, blended learning solutions, as well as training courses on a variety of navigational equipment. Therefore, make sure to check the platform to find out exactly which online training courses, we provide.
The learning content of the online FURUNO type-specific ECDIS courses is the same as if the navigator attended a classroom training course, and therefore the navigator will receive the same type of FURUNO maker-approved certificate upon successful completion of the online training.
The ECDIS short courses are aimed at professional navigators, who want to learn about a specific topic on the FURUNO ECDIS, without the need to go through a full ECDIS course. Upon successful completion of the course, the navigator will receive a record of completion, which is issued by FURUNO Maritime Training.
The FURUNO Maritime Training center is located in Copenhagen, Denmark. The course portfolio covers both FURUNO type-specific and generic training courses, as well as training on different navigational equipment.
Training is performed by highly qualified and experienced FURUNO instructors. They will provide the navigators with a thorough understanding of the equipment, knowledge on how to operate it properly, and the know-how needed to determine the validity of the data provided. All FMT training courses include comprehensive theoretical lectures and hands-on training exercises.
In short, the training familiarizes the navigator with all the functions and limitations of the equipment. The training covers modern navigation during normal operational conditions as well as during dangerous or critical circumstances.
NavSkills™ is a global network of training centres accredited by FURUNO Maritime Training to provide FURUNO classroom training courses locally. This network makes it possible for navigators to attend FURUNO training around the world.
To ensure the same high training standards, all NavSkills™ partners are evaluated, approved, and under the governance of FURUNO Maritime Training.
All training centers provide FURUNO type-specific ECDIS training and some centres also provide FURUNO type-specific ECDIS refresh training. Please contact your local training centre to find out which courses they provide.
The FURUNO ECDIS CBT (Computer Based Training) is a training solution, where you can take FURUNO type-specific ECDIS training on your PC.
Since ECDIS CBT does not require constant internet access, you can study ECDIS CBT, when and wherever you may choose.
This CBT program is intended for those, who have already completed generic ECDIS training in accordance with IMO Model Course 1.27.