News Jul 28, 2020 [FURUNO Radar Technology] Furuno explain all about Radars and the technologies behind unparalleled performance!
Product Jul 14, 2020 [FURUNO ITS Journal] MaaS and CASE, how would automotive industry change after COVID-19?
Corporate Jul 1, 2020 FURUNO acquire EMRI A/S, Danish based provider of advanced ships Maneuvering and Steering Systems
News Jun 3, 2020 [Important Notice]Important notice to our customers who use FURUNO GPS products for marine use that are affected by GPS week number rollover.
Product Apr 14, 2020 GPS Chart Plotter with built-in CHIRP Fish Finder GP-1871F/1971F : New software version for the GP unit. Mirroring/Remote Control function available.
News Apr 2, 2020 [Important Notice] Important notice to our customers who use FURUNO GPS products for marine use that are affected by GPS week number rollover.
Product Mar 30, 2020 [FURUNO ITS Journal] TOYOTA Press conference about ADAS - Releasing algorithm for "sudden acceleration suppression during attempted sudden acceleration" free of charge -
Product Feb 25, 2020 [FURUNO ITS Journal] The Japanese automotive industry in 2020 - 3 turning points -