GPS/GNSS Antennas

Antenna Mounting kit Model AFB-01 NEW

Secure pole or mast mount of AU-500/AU-300 antennas

This mounting kit is designed to securely install the antenna on a tower, mast or pole when using Furuno GNSS receivers for time synchronization applications.



  • Antenna Mounting Kit for AU-500 & AU-300

    The Mounting Kit consists of the following parts:

    • Anodized aluminium Pipe
    • Stainless steel clamp
    • Pipe holding bracket

  • Easy to install

    Handling and installation is very easy due to the simple design and choice of quality materials.
    A single stainless steel clamp securely fastens the pipe and holding bracket to the desired pole or mast, making installation easy and reducing installation time.
    Easy and correct installation of the GNSS antenna allows the GNSS receiver to perform to its full potential and prevent reception issues.

    Installation manual: AFB-01 (Antenna Mounting Kit for AU-500 & AU-300)


Quote Request

Please fill out the quote form and our staffs will respond to you shortly.

This is a quote form only for GNSS receivers for time synchronization.
For other contents, please contact us using the respective inquiry form.

Quote request form

Documents, Software

Download documents and software related to this product and other GPS/GNSS products (Specifications document, Drivers and Monitor software).

Download contents for AFB-01 (AU-500/AU-300)

  • GNSS Antenna Hardware Specifications
  • GNSS Antenna Installation Procedure
  • GNSS Antenna Installation Appendix
    - Three essential points when installing a GNSS antenna -
  • Hardware Specifications (Surge Protective Device)
  • Surge Protection Device Test Report

Download page


* Specifications subject to change without notice.