The FURUNO ECDIS CBT (Computer Based Training) is a training solution where trainees are able to take FURUNO Type specific ECDIS training on their own PCs. Since ECDIS CBT does not require constant internet access, trainees can study ECDIS CBT when and wherever they may choose.

This CBT program is intended for those who have already completed generic ECDIS training in accordance with IMO Model Course 1.27.

Supported ECDIS models

FMD-3100, FMD-3200/3200-BB/3300, FMD-3005

* CBT Certificate issued prior to the release of the FMD-3005 do not list the FMD-3005.
Since the operability of the FMD-3005 is the same as FMD-3100 and FMD-3200/3300, the CBT Certificate is valid to the FMD-3005.

Training Flow

Training Flow

ECDIS CBT Features

  • Internet connection is not necessary during training*

    Training can be done offline with a PC and the CBT program** no matter where you are.

    * For license verification a connection is necessary.
    ** CBT program are available for download.

  • Trainees are free to schedule their training according to own needs

    (Average training time required is 8 to 10 hours.)

  • ECDIS CBT certificates are issued directly by FURUNO JAPAN upon completion of the course

  • The ECDIS CBT program can also be used for refresher training


Minimum PC requirements for CBT

Operation System Windows 7 Home/Professional including 32 bit and 64 bit
Windows 8 Home/Professional including 32 bit and 64 bit
Windows 10 Home/Professional 32 bit and 64 bit
NOTE: .NET FRAMEWORK 4.0 or later version is required.
Display resolution XGA (1024×768) or higher
Drive DVD drive or USB drive
Operation System .NET Framework CBT version
CBT version
CBT version
CBT version
Windows XP 3.0 or later Compatible Not compatible
4.0 or later
Windows 7 3.5 or later
4.0 or later Compatible
Windows 8 4.5 or later
Windows 10 4.6 or later Not compatible
Windows 11 4.7 or later

Download the ECDIS CBT Program

The certificate issuance for this ECDIS CBT will terminate at the end of December, 2025.
For the new program “NavSkills™ CBT NXT” app, please download it from "Furuno Maritime Training" website.
Furuno Maritime Training

CBT version

Size: 1 GB
Update: June 2024

> Download

CBT version

Size: 1 GB
Update: June 2024

> Download

CBT version

Size: 1 GB
Update: February 2021

> Download

CBT version

Size: 1 GB
Update: February 2021

> Download


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