THD mode

- Display the heading (HDG) of the ship
Speed mode

- 3-axis speed of the ship: Bow, Stern and longitudinal
(non-IMO type only)
① Current selected mode (SPD or THD), integrity status and common satellite
② Transverse speed at bow position
③ Longitudinal speed
④ Transverse speed at stern position
⑤ Distance travelled
Navigational data screen

- 3-axis speed, as well as the Heading, Rate Of Turn and
Course Over Ground can be Grasped at a glance
(non-IMO type only)
GPS integrity mode

- GNSS (GPS,Galileo,GLONASS*) satellites signal reception
including signal strength and signal to noise Ratio
- SBAS signal status
*Type approved with GPS only
ROTI mode

- Rate Of Turn Indicator displaying on the
RD-50 (ROTI Display unit approved for SOLAS vessels)