Clinical Chemistry Analyzer

Reagents for clinical chemistry Model Reagents

Reagents designed for automatic chemistry analyzer and optimised chemistry parameters offer precise and reliable data to laboratories.
Wide range of test reagents to meet the needs of clinical laboratories and hospitals.


  • Quality

    • ISO13485 certified
    • High quality material
    • NGSP certified HbA1c reagent
    • Bicarbonate reagent for anion gap
  • Package

    • Water resisting Laminated label
    • Broad volume variation
    • Barcoded reagent bottle for installation


Package (Large/Middle/Small)

  • Large size of GLU HK reagent

  • Middle size of GLU HK reagent

  • Small size of GLU HK reagent

Clinical chemistry reagents

Albumin * HDL-Cholesterol fluid homogeneous * Iron TIBC
Alkaline Phosphatase DGKC * LDL-Cholesterol fluid homogeneous * Lactate PAP *
Alkaline Phosphatase SFBC * Cholinesterase * LDH P→L DGKC *
α-Amylase IFCC * CK-MB fluid 5+1 LDH L→P IFCC *
Pancreatic α-Amylase IFCC * CK-NAC fluid 5+1 * Lipase *
Bicarbonate Creatinine Jaffè * Magnesium XB *
Bilirubin direct, Jendrassik-Grof * Creatinine PAP * Magnesium Arsenazo *
Bilirubin direct Vanadate * Gamma-GT-3-Carboxy * Phosphorous UV *
Bilirubin direct DPD * Glucose HK * Protein CSF fluid
Bilirubin total, Jendrassik-Grof * Glucose GOD/PAP * Protein CSF Pyrogallol red
Bilirubin total Vanadate * GOT(ASAT)IFCC fluid (5+1) * Protein total, bi-reagent *
Bilirubin total DPD * GPT(ALAT)IFCC fluid (5+1) * Protein total, mono-reagent *
Calcium Arsenazo III * Homocysteine Triglycerides fluid Mono *
Calcium OCP * Iron Feren S Urea UV Fluid 5+1 *
Cholesterol CHOD/PAP * Iron Nitro PAPS Uric acid PAP *
*Available for multi-calibration by Centrocal and QC measurement by Centronorm/Centropath.

Immunoturbidimetric reagents

Product availability may vary depending on your area. For more information on product availability, please contact your local distributor.

Acid Glycoprotein CRP Kappa Light Chain
Antitrypsin CRP high sensitive Lambda Light Chain
ASO Cystatin C Lipoprotein (a)
Antithrombin III D-Dimer Microalbumin
Apolipoprotein A1 Ferritin a1-Microglobulin
Apolipoprotein A2 Fibrinogen a2-Macroglobulin
Apolipoprotein B Haptoglobin b2-Microglobulin high sensitive
C1 Esterase Inhibitor HbA1c, latex immunoturbidimetric** Prealbumin
Ceruloplasmin IgA RF
Complement C3 IgG Transferrin
Complement C4 IgM  
**NGSP certified



  • Multi-calibrator “Centrocal”

Clinical chemistry calibrator

Bicarbonate Calibrator CK-MB Calibrator Iron Calibrator
Centrocal Homocysteine Calibrationset Protein CSF Standard

Immunoturbidimetric calibrator

ASO Calibrationset Ferritin Calibrationset b2-Microglobulin Calibrationset
APO A1/B Calibrator Fibrinogen Calibrator Protein Calibrationset
CRP Calibrationset HbA1c Calibrationset RF Calibrationset
CRP Calibrator high sensitive Lipoprotein Calibrationset Transferrin Calibrationset
Cystatin Calibrator Microalbumin Calibrationset  
D-Dimer Calibrationset a1-Microglobulin Calibrator  

Quality control samples


  • Multi-control “Centronorm”

  • Multi-control “Centropath”

Clinical chemistry quality control sample

Bicarbonate Controlset Centronorm CK-MB Protein CSF Controlset
Centronorm Centropath CK-MB  
Centropath Homocysteine Controlset  

Immunoturbidimetric quality control sample

APO A1/B Control Ferritin Control low Lipoprotein Control low
CRP Control low Ferritin Control high Lipoprotein Control high
CRP Control high Fibrinogen Control Microalbumin Control low
CRP Control high sensitive HbA1c Control low Microalbumin Control high
Cystatin Control low HbA1c Control high a1-Microglobulin Control
Cystatin Control high Immunology Control Low  
D-Dimer Controlset Immunology Control High  

Utility reagent

Analyzer consumables

Wash Solution 1 acidic solution Wash Solution C1 hypochlorite solution Saline Diluent
Wash Solution 2 alkaline solution Acid Solution Precision check for service

Compatible with Furuno Clinical Chemistry Analyzer

  • We provide extensive support to our customers based on our extensive knowledge on both reagents and instruments.

    MODEL Features
    CA-270 Compact desk-top instrument with 270 test/hour (maximum 450 tests/hour with ISE).
    CA-400 Mid-range desk-top instrument with 400 test/hour (maximum 560 tests/hour with ISE).
    CA-800 800 tests/hour throughput capability (maximum 1200 tests/hour with ISE).

Registered CA series in UNIDO's STePP

Furuno's CA series has been registered in STePP by UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), Tokyo Office.

The STePP (Sustainable Technology Promotion Platform) is an online database to introduce outstanding Japanese technologies for sustainable industrial development in developing and emerging countries. In this STePP, Furuno's CA-series was evaluated as a product that contributes to achieving the goals of SDGs 3 [Good health and well-being] and 9 [Industry, innovation and infrastructure].

Source: UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion OfficeTokyo website

Academic Materials


* Specifications subject to change without notice.