Academic Materials
Relationship between Dyslipidemia and Cholesterol

What is dyslipidemia?

Dyslipidemia is a medical condition characterized by an abnormal amount of lipids, such as cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and triglycerides, in the blood.
Although dyslipidemia doesn’t have obvious symptoms, it can lead to arteriosclerosis, which can turn into a stroke, cardiovascular disease(CVD) and other death-causing diseases.

LDL-C causes clogged arteries

HDL-C helps remove excess cholesterol in the blood and carries it back to the liver for disposal.That’s why HDL-C is often referred to as good cholesterol.LDL-C, on the contrary, is often referred to as bad cholesterol because high levels of LDL-C is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

Risk of Increased LDL-C

High levels of LDL-C can cause plaque to build up in the arteries, which can clog the arteries and decrease blood flow to the heart and brain, increasing the risk of death. Reduction of LDL-C level is the major therapeutic target in clinical practice and current guidelines focus on it.
In fact, there are many studies reporting correlations between ischemic heart disease or ischemic stroke and LDL-C.

Rates of ischemic heart disease and ischemic stroke in cardio vascular disease *

In fact, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, ischemic heart disease and ischemic stroke, mainly caused by high LDL-C levels, account for a large proportion.

Cardiovascular disease deaths in 2016 approx. 17.6 million. Ischemic heart disease :9.5 million. Other causes. Of these CVD deaths, 69% were Ischemic heart disease and Ischemic stroke. 1 K. Foreman, Lancet, 392(10), 2052-2090, 2018

Evaluation Method for LDL-C

Friedewald Equation

The clinical management of patients at risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) is critically dependent on their levels of LDL-C.
Friedewald Equation, developed in 1972, is still widely used method for estimating LDL-C levels.

LDL-C = CHO – HDL-C – (TG/5)
(CHO : total cholesterol, TG : triglyceride)

However, it has been known to have some weaknesses.

Disadvantages of Friedewald Equation

  • Not available for postprandial specimens
  • Not accurate when triglyceride level is ≥400 mg/dL
  • Tend to underestimate, especially at low LDL-C levels

Direct measurement is recommended for LDL-C

Dyslipidemia and cholesterol value can be effectively managed through lifestyle modifications, medications, and regular monitoring. Regular screenings allow for early detection and intervention.
Direct measurement of LDL-C is more accurate than the Friedewald equation, especially in patients with high triglyceride levels or at low LDL-C levels.

Advantages of direct measurement

  • No need for fasting (No burden to the patient)
  • Better precision

Therefore, if a patient has high TG or is undergoing aggressive treatment, direct measurement of LDL-C is recommended instead of calculation.

Reagent Package Information

FURUNO has the necessary items for cholesterol management.
With dedicated analyzer and reagents, FURUNO provides reliable values and support!

Product Name Product No. FURUNO Analyzer Configuration
R1 R2

Cholesterol CHOD/PAP Monoreagent
CF03917067-F5 CA-270
5 × 67 mL -
CF03917067-F 10 x 67 mL -
CF03917067-F4 4 × 20 mL -
CF03917067-F16 16 × 20 mL -

HDL-Cholesterol fluid homogeneous
CF04917080-F0X CA-270
2 × 30 mL 2 × 10 mL
CF04917080-F2X 2 × 60 mL 2 × 20 mL
CF04917080-FX 6 × 60 mL 6 × 20 mL

LDL-Cholesterol fluid homogeneous
LF05917040-FX CA-270
3 × 30 mL 3 × 11 mL
LF05917080-FX 3 × 60 mL 3 × 20 mL

Triglycerides fluid Mono
TF01917067-F5 CA-270
5 × 67 mL -
TF01917067-F 10 × 67 mL -
TF01917067-F4 4 × 20 mL -
TF01917067-F16 16 × 20 mL -

Reagents are manufactured by Centronic GmbH certified according to ISO13485.

FURUNO Analyzers

Academic Materials